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4, place Thierry van Werveke
3475 Dudelange
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In this workshop weekend we will delve into the world of electroacoustic sound synthesis, which we will explore in a participatory and practice-oriented way in the group. Using a selection of high-quality analogue and digital musical instruments, we will explore a form of music making that is at the core of Achronon A.LIVE: loop-based electroacoustic real-time improvisation – collectively!
We will work out the basics of ecologically conscious electronic live music by playfully resonating with sounds from the immediate environment and transforming them into rhythm and melody structures with the help of electronic musical instruments. Through the medium of electroacoustic music making, we will explore the co-creative possibilities of an alchemical process that closely and mutually interweaves people, technology and the environment. Bringing your own music equipment is encouraged, as it can be rediscovered during the process. This workshop is about getting out of the familiar and opening up and surrendering to novelty and the unknown – from which insight, inspiration and perhaps even transformation may arise.
Over the course of the weekend, we will look at the essential phases of the musical creation process (exploration, condensation, crystallization), with each workshop day focusing on a different phase.
We take live looping a step further, where the looper is no longer a complicated, quantized and clocked machine, but a complex person with qualities, intensities, life rhythms and energy flows, by exploring the process of creating music out of the moment: We let melodies and rhythms « grow » and « emerge » autopoietically – like a bonsai that we care for with love and presence, but on a much shorter time level: musical time. It is about letting things emerge through repetition, the playful becoming at the resonant core of focus and flow, of order and chaos. In the process, we also learn to recognize when the resulting sound patterns develop a “life of their own” – when “it” grooves!
What we explore on Friday, we repeat again on Saturday in a small group in front of an audience. The sound structures we have developed together will be woven into the Achronon A.LIVE performance in the evening. On Sunday, we will then crystallize a musical work from the loop archive, which we will finalize on the same day and publish on SoundCloud.
* Key question 1: What wants to emerge? How can we resonate with it?
–> Goal: resonance-based intensification of consciousness for perceiving, identifying and revealing potentials through electroacoustic music-making
* Key question 2: What is technology and how do we use it consciously? What does it mean to understand music as technology?
–> Goal: experience music as a sociotechnological system that we create together and which enables interpersonal exchange and the correspondence between self and environment, between materials, inner and outer worlds