Rough guide to Super 8 Film


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4, place Thierry van Werveke
3475 Dudelange
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Rough guide to Super 8 Film
What’s up:
– Introduction to the Super 8 film format
– Things to know about the different film stocks
– How to handle a Super 8 camera
– Shoot your own short color S8 film (*)
– Introduction to film processing and digitalization
– How to edit and project Super 8 films
Age 18+
Participation : 40 €
Reservation: only 5 places – please make a reservation via mail :
(*) you get a Super 8 camera with 1 cartridge of color reversal E6 film, the camera and film must be returned on the 16’ September or earlier if possible. You will get your processed film and scan in about a 2 weeks time.